Emotional State During the Post-Pandemic Period: Psychological Capital and Academic Engagement in University Students


  • Edwin Gustavo Estrada-Araoz Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios
  • Jaffet Sillo-Sosa Universidad Andina del Cusco
  • Lesy Berly León-Hancco Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Universidad Hipócrates
  • Duverly Joao Incacutipa-Limachi Universidad Nacional del Altiplano
  • Euclides Ticona-Chayña Universidad Nacional Intercultural Fabiola Salazar Leguía de Bagua
  • Basilide Avilés-Puma Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Universidad Hipócrates
  • Jorge Luis Apaza-Cruz Universidad Nacional del Altiplano
  • Teófilo Yucra-Quispe Universidad Nacional del Altiplano
  • Ronald Pachacutec-Quispicho Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios
  • Jose Florencio Baez Quispe Universidad Alas Peruanas




higher education, psychological capital, academic engagement, post-pandemic, university students, mental health


This research aimed to analyze the relationship between psychological capital and the academic commitment of the university students of Madre de Dios (Peru) during the post-pandemic period. The approach was quantitative, the design was non-experimental and the type was descriptive-correlational of cross-sectional nature. The sample was made of 344 students to whom the Psychological Capital Questionnaire and the UWES-S Scale were applied, instruments with adequate levels of validity based on content and reliability. According to the results, the Spearman’s rho coefficient between the variables psychological capital and academic engagement was 0.786 and the p-value was lower than the significance level (p <0.05). In the same sense, it was determined that the correlation coefficients between psychological capital and the dedication, vigor and absorption dimensions were 0.802; 0.736 and 0.748 respectively, being statistically significant in all cases (p <0.05). Finally, it was concluded that a direct and significant relationship exists between psychological capital and academic engagement




How to Cite

Estrada-Araoz, E. G., Sillo-Sosa, J., León-Hancco, L. B., Incacutipa-Limachi, D. J., Ticona-Chayña, E., Avilés-Puma, B., Apaza-Cruz, J. L., Yucra-Quispe, T., Pachacutec-Quispicho, R., & Baez Quispe, J. F. (2024). Emotional State During the Post-Pandemic Period: Psychological Capital and Academic Engagement in University Students. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v24i1.6765


