Virtual Education in Health Emergencies: Increasing the Use of Technology in University Education


  • Zulema Kayry Pineda La Serna Universidad César Vallejo
  • Alex Lope Lope Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Denis Yanin Ulloa De La Cruz Universidad Nacional Agraria
  • Catherine Luz Pérez Salas Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • Linda Shardin Flores Superintendencia Nacional de Educación Superior Universitaria



higher education, technology, teaching and learning, university teachers, virtual education


The onset of the pandemic forced people to undergo fundamental educational and social change, creating other situations and lifestyles where technology has become commonplace. The face-to-face became the virtual space where telecommunication changed to the information channel where the work of distance learning has been built.

This article aims to reflect on how the change brought about by the pandemic has affected the learning-teaching of university students and the impact of the pandemic on their studies. Information was gathered by searching for bibliographical information and analyzing the different sources found.


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How to Cite

Pineda La Serna, Z. K., Lope Lope, A., Ulloa De La Cruz, D. Y., Pérez Salas, C. L., & Shardin Flores, L. (2024). Virtual Education in Health Emergencies: Increasing the Use of Technology in University Education. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(3).


