University Management and Discrimination Towards Trans University Students in Metropolitan Lima


  • César Darío Roncal Benites Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Luis Alberto Núñez Lira Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Anibal Romero Bendezú Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Miguel Angel Faustino Sánchez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Dante Aguinaga Villegas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



higher education, homophobia, sexual discrimination, violence, social exclusion


Background: The purpose of this research was to describe how discrimination against trans students is carried out in universities in Metropolitan Lima. Also called gender identity discrimination, it is included in the Yogyakarta Principles (United Nations), a document that seeks to serve as protection for the LGBTQ+ community.

Methods: The investigation started in September 2021 and ended in April 2022. A qualitative methodology was used, triangulating designs such as multi-case studies, documentary analysis, and unstructured interviews. The latter were processed and conducted via online conversations (using Zoom) with students who were purposely selected by the authors.

Results: Five trans students were the sample for this research, which through a series of interviews taught us that each of them has a different sexual orientation, have suffered exclusion at their universities, and have experienced prejudice even from their own teachers and administrative staff.

Conclusions: It is highly recommended that all staff working on the university campus, particularly professors, receive training on issues of sexual diversity, especially transgender people, and personal unisex toilets be implemented.


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How to Cite

Roncal Benites, C. D., Núñez Lira, L. A., Romero Bendezú, A., Faustino Sánchez, M. A., & Aguinaga Villegas, D. (2024). University Management and Discrimination Towards Trans University Students in Metropolitan Lima. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(3).


