Development of the Evaluation of Teaching Performance in Basic Education


  • Rosario Isabel Lavado-Antonio Universidad César Vallejo
  • Mariadela Giselle Robles-Huanhuayo Universidad César Vallejo
  • Viviana Soledad Peña-Flores Universidad César Vallejo
  • Angelica Rosario Borda-Andia Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
  • Janet Carpio-Mendoza Universidad César Vallejo



higher education, teaching performance, teacher evaluation, educational quality


The evaluation of teaching performance is a process of reflection and improvement that provides the necessary mechanisms for teachers to improve the quality of education. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of teacher performance evaluation in elementary education. The study method used was argumentative criticism based on an analysis of the literature on the subject. Thus, the approach (introduction), development (arguments), and conclusions are presented. As a conclusion, it has been obtained that the evaluation of teaching performance allows the optimization of resources and instruments in teaching practices. In this sense, it helps teachers to make decisions to improve their teaching.


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How to Cite

Lavado-Antonio, R. I., Robles-Huanhuayo, M. G., Peña-Flores, V. S., Borda-Andia, A. R., & Carpio-Mendoza, J. (2024). Development of the Evaluation of Teaching Performance in Basic Education. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(3).


